Our choices affect the world. Here are a few things we can do together:
Drink ethical coffee
Drink ethically sourced coffee from farms that promote sustainability – supporting farmers who are doing good things for the environment and their communities. We seek out farms where environmental sustainability is practiced. We seek out farms where environmental sustainability is practiced. We look for a variety of certifications and criteria for our coffee, including Organic, Rainforest Alliance Certified, and establishing direct trade with farmers to help improve communities where coffee is grown. Enjoy a cup of something good!

Plant trees
Take home a bag of coffee and help plant trees! Trees soak up carbon like nobody’s business. So with every bag of coffee you buy, we make a donation to TreeEra to plant trees in Canada.

Compost as much as possible
Compost our tea bags, straws, napkins, coffee sleeves and paper food bags! Let’s continue to advocate for compostable materials and composting facilities to reduce landfill waste. If you garden at home, grab some coffee grounds to kickstart your own compost.

BYOC – Bring your own cup
To thank you for helping reduce single-use packaging, bring in your reusable mug and we’ll fill it for the price of a small. Don’t have a mug? Buy one and we’ll fill it for free!

Reduce single-use packaging
We keep packaging to a minimum at Good Earth. We strive to find the most environmentally friendly packaging options available, from recyclable drink cups & food containers to compostable paper food packaging, straws and cup sleeves. Even our tea is composted, and our Grounds for your Garden program eliminates waste while giving your garden a boost.